API Reference

Here you can find documentation of all the functions grouped by coding language. python script documentation also includes a summary of all arguments, which can be reproduced on the command line using script.py --help.


All functions that begin with RTS are either borrowed or adapted from the RTS (Mitchell et al. 2008) calibration package, with permission from the original authors. All credit to the original authors. The RTS code can currently be found at the RTS github.

python code


C code

The precision of most functions is determined at compilation time, via the following #ifdef statement found in WODEN/include/woden_precision_defs.h:

/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is added at compilation,
then user_precision_t is set to double */
typedef double user_precision_t;
/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is added at compilation,
then user_precision_complex_t is set to double _Complex */
typedef double _Complex user_precision_complex_t;
/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is NOT added at compilation,
then user_precision_t defaults to float */
typedef float user_precision_t;
/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is NOT added at compilation,
then user_precision_complex_t defaults to float _Complex */
typedef float _Complex user_precision_complex_t;

So where you see user_precision_t in the API, this is either a float or double, and similarly user_precision_complex_t is either a float _Complex or double _Complex.

CUDA code

Similarly to C code, the precision of most functions is determined at compilation time, via the following #ifdef statement found in WODEN/include/cudacomplex.h:

/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is added at compilation,
then cuUserComplex is set to cuDoubleComplex */
typedef cuDoubleComplex cuUserComplex;
/*! If -DDOUBLE_PRECISION flag is NOTE added at compilation,
then cuUserComplex is set to cuFloatComplex */
typedef cuFloatComplex cuUserComplex;

meaning that cuUserComplex in the API either means cuFloatComplex or cuDoubleComplex depending on compilation flags.