
API documentation for primary_beam.c.

Functions to calculate the parallactic angle, and fill in primary beam settings requested for the simulation, based on settings in woden_settings and the sky model cropped_src


beam_settings_t *fill_primary_beam_settings(woden_settings_t *woden_settings, double *lsts)

Given the settings specified in woden_settings, populate a beam_settings_t and source_t struct with appropriate attributes to be used in primary beam modelling.

If using a GAUSS_BEAM or MWA_ANALY primary beam, calculate the hour angle and declination of the pointing centre for all times steps, and for all components in sky model cropped_src.


For all sky simulations, there can be millions of components, so calculating parallactic angle can be expensive. Consider multi-threading this somehow

  • *cropped_src[inout] A populated source_t sky model

  • *woden_settings[in] A populated woden_settings_t struct

  • *lsts[in] All local sidereal times in the simulation


beam_settings - a populated beam_settings_t struct containing attributes necessary to simulate the requested beam response