
API documentation for woden_struct_defs.h.


typedef struct _components_t components_t

A struct to contain COMPONENT information for either multiple POINT, GAUSSIAN, or SHAPELET COMPONENTs. Three of these are included in source_t to specify all COMPONENTs for a single source. This allows common values like RA,Dec,Flux etc information to be stored the same way for different COMPONENT types

typedef struct _source_t source_t

A struct to contain sky model values for a single SOURCE

typedef struct _source_catalogue_t source_catalogue_t

A struct to contain multiple source_t type sky models and beam_settings_t primary beam settings, to be iterated over by calculate_visibilities

typedef struct _beam_settings_t beam_settings_t

A struct to contain settings pertaining to the primary beam

typedef struct _visibility_set_t visibility_set_t

Struct to contain simulation parameters and visibility outputs

typedef struct _woden_settings_t woden_settings_t

Struct to contain user defined settings for simulation

typedef struct _array_layout_t array_layout_t

Struct to contain array layout values. Here, a single receiving element is sometimes called an antenna, sometimes called a ‘tile’ (MWA lingo). This is equivalent to a ‘station’ in SKA_LOW talk.


enum e_component_type


enumerator POINT

Point source type component

enumerator GAUSSIAN

Gaussian type component

enumerator SHAPELET

Shapelet type component

enum e_beamtype


enumerator NO_BEAM

Do not use a primary beam in the simulation

enumerator GAUSS_BEAM

Use a analytic Gaussian primary beam

enumerator FEE_BEAM

Use the MWA FEE primary beam code

enumerator ANALY_DIPOLE

Use an analytic MWA dipole primary beam

enumerator FEE_BEAM_INTERP

Use the MWA FEE primary beam at all frequencies. Should be using an hdf5 file that has been frequency interpolated

enumerator MWA_ANALY

Use an analytic MWA tile primary beam

enum e_flux_type


enumerator POWER_LAW

Power law flux model


Curved power law flux model

enumerator LIST

List of fluxes and freqs model

struct _components_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

A struct to contain COMPONENT information for either multiple POINT, GAUSSIAN, or SHAPELET COMPONENTs. Three of these are included in source_t to specify all COMPONENTs for a single source. This allows common values like RA,Dec,Flux etc information to be stored the same way for different COMPONENT types

Public Members

double *ras

COMPONENT right ascensions (radians)

double *decs

COMPONENT declinations (radians)

double *power_ref_freqs

COMPONENT Flux density reference frequencies (Hz)

user_precision_t *power_ref_stokesI

COMPONENT Stokes I reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *power_ref_stokesQ

COMPONENT Stokes Q reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *power_ref_stokesU

COMPONENT Stokes U reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *power_ref_stokesV

COMPONENT Stokes V reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *power_SIs

COMPONENT spectral indexes

double *curve_ref_freqs

COMPONENT Flux density reference frequencies (Hz)

user_precision_t *curve_ref_stokesI

COMPONENT Stokes I reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *curve_ref_stokesQ

COMPONENT Stokes Q reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *curve_ref_stokesU

COMPONENT Stokes U reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *curve_ref_stokesV

COMPONENT Stokes V reference flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *curve_SIs

COMPONENT spectral indexes

user_precision_t *curve_qs

COMPONENT curvature

int *power_comp_inds

The indexes of all power-law models w.r.t ra,dec

int *curve_comp_inds

The indexes of all curved power-law models w.r.t ra,dec

int *list_comp_inds

The indexes of all list models w.r.t ra,dec

double *list_freqs

COMPONENT Flux density references frequencies (Hz)

user_precision_t *list_stokesI

COMPONENT Stokes I list flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *list_stokesQ

COMPONENT Stokes Q list flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *list_stokesU

COMPONENT Stokes U list flux density (Jy)

user_precision_t *list_stokesV

COMPONENT Stokes V list flux density (Jy)

int *num_list_values

How many freq/flux values are in each COMPONENT list

int *list_start_indexes

How many freq/flux values are in each COMPONENT list

int total_num_flux_entires

The total number of freq/flux values are in all lists combined

user_precision_t *extrap_stokesI

extrapolated COMPONENT Stokes I flux densities (Jy)

user_precision_t *extrap_stokesQ

extrapolated COMPONENT Stokes Q flux densities (Jy)

user_precision_t *extrap_stokesU

extrapolated COMPONENT Stokes U flux densities (Jy)

user_precision_t *extrap_stokesV

extrapolated COMPONENT Stokes V flux densities (Jy)

user_precision_t *shape_coeffs

Scaling coefficients for SHAPELET basis functions

user_precision_t *n1s

1st basis function order for SHAPELET basis functions

user_precision_t *n2s

2nd basis function order for SHAPELET basis functions

user_precision_t *majors

GAUSSIAN/SHAPELET major axis (beta1, radians)

user_precision_t *minors

GAUSSIAN/SHAPELET minor axis (beta2, radians)

user_precision_t *pas

GAUSSIAN/SHAPELET position angles (radians)

user_precision_t *param_indexes

An index value to match each coeff, n1, and n2 to the correct ra, dec, major, minor, pa for a SHAPELET

user_precision_t *azs

SHAPELET source azimuth angles for all time steps

user_precision_t *zas

SHAPELET source zenith angles for all time steps

double *beam_has

Hour angle of COMPONENTs for all time steps, used for beam calculations

double *beam_decs

Declinations of COMPONENTs for all time steps, used for beam calculations

int num_primarybeam_values

Number of beam calculations needed for COMPONENTs

user_precision_complex_t *gxs

North-South Beam gain values for all directions, frequencies, and times for these COMPONENTS

user_precision_complex_t *Dxs

North-South Beam leakage values for all directions, frequencies, and times for these COMPONENTS

user_precision_complex_t *Dys

East-West Beam leakage values for all directions, frequencies, and times for these COMPONENTS

user_precision_complex_t *gys

East-West Beam gain values for all directions, frequencies, and times for these COMPONENTS

double *ls

Device memory l cosine direction coords for these COMPONENTs

double *ms

Device memory m cosine direction coords for these COMPONENTs

double *ns

Device memory n cosine direction coords for these COMPONENTs

struct _source_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

A struct to contain sky model values for a single SOURCE

Public Members

char name[32]

Source name

int n_comps

Total number of COMPONENTs in source

int n_points

Number of POINT source COMPONENTs

int n_point_lists

Number of POINTs with LIST type flux

int n_point_powers

Number of POINTs with POWER_LAW type flux

int n_point_curves

Number of POINTs with CURVED_POWER_LAW type flux

int n_gauss

Number of GAUSSIAN source COMPONENTs

int n_gauss_lists

Number of GAUSSIANs with LIST type flux

int n_gauss_powers

Number of GAUSSIANs with POWER_LAW type flux

int n_gauss_curves

Number of GAUSSIANs with CURVED_POWER_LAW type flux

int n_shapes

Number of SHAPELET source COMPONENTs

int n_shape_lists

Number of SHAPELETs with LIST type flux

int n_shape_powers

Number of SHAPELETs with POWER_LAW type flux

int n_shape_curves

Number of SHAPELETs with CURVED_POWER_LAW type flux

int n_shape_coeffs

Total number of SHAPELET coefficients

components_t point_components

components_t holding component information for all POINT COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

components_t gauss_components

components_t holding component information for all GAUSSIAN COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

components_t shape_components

components_t holding component information for all SHAPELET COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

components_t d_point_components

components_t holding component information for all POINT COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

components_t d_gauss_components

components_t holding component information for all GAUSSIAN COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

components_t d_shape_components

components_t holding component information for all SHAPELET COMPONENTs in this SOURCE.

struct _source_catalogue_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

A struct to contain multiple source_t type sky models and beam_settings_t primary beam settings, to be iterated over by calculate_visibilities

Public Members

int num_sources

Number of SOURCES in this source_catalogue_t

int num_shapelets

Total number of SHAPELET components in this source_catalogue_t

source_t *sources

Multiple sky models to simulate

struct _beam_settings_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

A struct to contain settings pertaining to the primary beam

Public Members

user_precision_t gauss_sdec

Sine of the declination of the pointing for a Gaussian primary beam

user_precision_t gauss_cdec

Cosine of the declination of the pointing for a Gaussian primary beam

double gauss_ha

Hour angle of the pointing for a Gaussian primary beam

user_precision_t beam_FWHM_rad

FWHM of requested Gaussian primary beam, at reference frequnecy

double beam_ref_freq

Reference frequency for the given FWHM of Gaussian primary beam

e_beamtype beamtype

What type of primary beam to simulate - see e_beamtype

user_precision_t *MWAFEE_freqs

The frequencies of the initialised MWAFEE beams in FEE_beams

int num_MWAFEE

Number of MWAFEE beam instances to cover all desired frequencies

struct FEEBeamGpu *cuda_fee_beam

Single initialised hyperbeam device model for desired pointing

struct FEEBeam *fee_beam

Single initialised hyperbeam host model for desired pointing

char hyper_error_str[100]

Char array to hold error messages out of hyperbeam

double base_middle_freq

The frequency at the middle of the base coarse band

uint32_t *hyper_delays

MWA FEE delays in a format that hyperbeam likes

struct _visibility_set_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

Struct to contain simulation parameters and visibility outputs

Public Members

user_precision_t *us_metres

Output \(u\) for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *vs_metres

Output \(v\) for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *ws_metres

Output \(w\) for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

double *allsteps_sha0s

Sine of hour angle of phase centre for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

double *allsteps_cha0s

Cosine of hour angle of phase centre for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

double *allsteps_lsts

Local sidereal time for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines (radians)

user_precision_t *allsteps_wavelengths

Wavelengths for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines (metres)

double *channel_frequencies

Frequencies for a frequency steps (Hz)

user_precision_t *sum_visi_XX_real

Real values for XX polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_XX_imag

Imaginary values for XX polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_XY_real

Real values for XY polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_XY_imag

Imaginary values for XY polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_YX_real

Real values for YX polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_YX_imag

Imaginary values for YX polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_YY_real

Real values for YY polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

user_precision_t *sum_visi_YY_imag

Imaginary values for YY polarisation for all time steps, frequency steps, and baselines

struct _woden_settings_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

Struct to contain user defined settings for simulation

Public Members

double lst_base

Local sidereal time for first time step (radians)

double lst_obs_epoch_base

Local sidereal time for first time step (radians) for the observation epoch (e.g. in 2020 for a 2020 obs)

double ra0

Right ascension of phase centre (radians)

double dec0

Declination of phase centre (radians)

double sdec0

Sine of Declination of phase centre (radians)

double cdec0

Cosine of Declination of phase centre (radians)

int num_baselines

Number of baselines this array layout has

int num_ants

Number of antennas this array layout has (MWA calls this number of tiles)

int num_freqs

Number of frequencies per coarse band

double frequency_resolution

Frequency resolution of a fine channel (Hz)

double base_low_freq

The lowest fine channel frequency of band 1

int num_time_steps

Number of time steps to simulate

double time_res

Time resolution of simulation (seconds)

const char *cat_filename

Path to WODEN-style sky model

int num_bands

Number of coarse frequency bands to simulate

int *band_nums

Which number coarse bands to simulate (e.g 1,4,6)

int sky_crop_type

Whether to crop sky models by SOURCE or COMPONENT

e_beamtype beamtype

What type of primary beam to simulate with

user_precision_t gauss_beam_FWHM

FWHM of Gaussian primary beam (degrees)

double gauss_beam_ref_freq

Reference frequency for given Gaussian primary beam FWHM

long int chunking_size

Maximum number of COMPONENTs to include in a single chunk

const char *hdf5_beam_path

Path to *.hf file containing MWA FEE beam spherical harmonic information

double jd_date

Julian date at beginning of simulation

bool array_layout_file

Do we have a path to the array layout or not

const char *array_layout_file_path

Path to file containing E,N,H coords of array layout

double latitude

Latitude of the array to simulate (radians)

double latitude_obs_epoch_base

Latitude of the array at the observation epoch (radians)

user_precision_t longitude

Longitude of the array to simulate (radians)

user_precision_t FEE_ideal_delays[16]

Delay values specifying the pointing for the MWA FEE beam model

double coarse_band_width

Frequency bandwidth of a single coarse band (Hz)

double gauss_ra_point

The initial Right Ascension to point the Gaussian beam at (radians)

double gauss_dec_point

The initial Declination to point the Gaussian beam at (radians)

int num_cross

Total number of cross-correlations to simulate, so freqs*times*baselines

int num_autos

Total number of auto-correlations to simulate, so freqs*times*baselines

int num_visis

Total number of visibilities to simulate, so num_cross + num_autos

double base_band_freq

The lowest fine channel frequency in the current band being simulated

int do_precession

Boolean of whether to apply precession to the array layout or not

double *lsts

Array to hold LSTs for all time centroids (these are different when precession is happening)

double *latitudes

Array to hold latitudes for all time centroids (these are different when precession is happening)

double *mjds

Array to hold modified julian dates for all time centroids

int do_autos

Boolean of whether to simulate autos or not (0 False, 1 True)

int do_QUV

Boolean of whether to use Stokes Q,U,V

struct _array_layout_t
#include <woden_struct_defs.h>

Struct to contain array layout values. Here, a single receiving element is sometimes called an antenna, sometimes called a ‘tile’ (MWA lingo). This is equivalent to a ‘station’ in SKA_LOW talk.

Public Members

double *ant_X

Local \(X\) location of all antenna/tiles

double *ant_Y

Local \(Y\) location of all antenna/tiles

double *ant_Z

Local \(Z\) location of all antenna/tiles

double *X_diff_metres

The length of all baselines in \(X\) (metres)

double *Y_diff_metres

The length of all baselines in \(Y\) (metres)

double *Z_diff_metres

The length of all baselines in \(Z\) (metres)

double *ant_east

Local east location of all antenna/tiles

double *ant_north

Local north location of all antenna/tiles

double *ant_height

Local height location of all antenna/tiles

double latitude

Latitude of the array (radians)

int num_baselines

Number of baselines in the array

int num_tiles

Number of antenna/tiles in the array

double lst_base

Local sidereal time of the first time step (radians)