EDA2 Haslam Map simulation


Running the simulation and making all the images will take up around 1.8 GB storage.

In this simulation, we’ll use an all-sky healpix image with nside 256 (generated using pygdsm). For the sky model, I have converted every healpixel into a point source. You’ll need to download the skymodel from this googledoc link to pygsm_woden-list_100MHz_n256.txt and put it in the correct directory. If you’re comfortable with wget you can do:

$ cd WODEN/examples/EDA2_haslam
$ wget 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1TEELux33UClRTiZBFOzGJHF-XbLnZjUV' -O pygsm_woden-list_100MHz_n256.txt

To run the command, do:

$ ./EDA2_haslam_simulation.sh

which took 2 hours 11 mins on my machine (this is running in DOUBLE precision, it takes 1 hour 15 mins at FLOAT precision). This simulates 393,216 point sources for an array of 255 antennas. The command run is:

run_woden.py \
  --ra0=74.79589467 --dec0=-27.0 \
  --time_res=10.0 --num_time_steps=10 \
  --freq_res=10e+3 --coarse_band_width=10e+4 \
  --lowest_channel_freq=100e+6 \
  --cat_filename=pygsm_woden-list_100MHz_n256.txt \
  --array_layout=../../test_installation/array_layouts/EDA2_layout_255.txt \
  --date=2020-02-01T12:27:45.900 \
  --output_uvfits_prepend=./data/EDA2_haslam \
  --primary_beam=EDA2 \
  --sky_crop_components \

Here is a line by line explanation of the command.

--ra0=74.79589467 --dec0=-27.0

sets the phase centre of the simulation.

--time_res=10.0 --num_time_steps=10

means there will be 10 time samples with 10 seconds between each sample.

--freq_res=10e+3 --coarse_band_width=10e+4 \
--lowest_channel_freq=100e+6 --band_nums=1,2,3,4,5

this combination of arguments will create 5 uvfits file outputs, each containing 10 frequency channels of width 10 kHz. The lowest band will start at 100 MHz, giving a total frequency coverage from 100 MHz to 100.5 MHz.


points towards the sky model.


points towrads an array file that contains local east, north, height coordinates (in metres). This is used in conjunction with latitude to generate baseline coordinates. The default --latitude is set to the MWA which is right next to the EDA2 so good enough for the example.


sets a UTC date which is used in conjunction with --longitude to calculate the LST (again, defaults to MWA which is good for purpose here).


sets the naming convention for the outputs, in conjunction with --band_nums=1,2,3,4,5 will produce the outputs:



selects the EDA2 primary beam.


this means that sky model is cropped by COMPONENT and not by SOURCE. This model has the diffuse sky as a single SOURCE, so some COMPONENT s are always below the horizon so need this flag to not crop the whole sky out.


The real EDA2 instrument has 256 antennas. CASA only allows a maximum of 255 elements in an array table, so imaging becomes a nightmare. For this example, to make an image, I’ve just left out an antenna to make my life easier.

Once you’ve run that, you can make an image via:

$ ./EDA2_haslam_imaging.sh

and you’ll see this:


where we can see that the EDA2 can see essentially the whole sky, albeit at poor resolution.