
The original MWA correlator did not phase track, so this method unwraps the phase tracking done by WODEN for pipelines that ingested raw data with no phase tracking.


remove_phase_track.remove_phase_tracking(frequencies=None, wws_seconds=None, num_time_steps=None, v_container=None, num_baselines=None)[source]

WARNING - currently does not change the \(u,v,w\) coordinates, so they are still defined via the original phase centre. This function really is just to feed uvfits into the RTS (which generates it’s own u,v,w using the antenna table)

Undoes phase tracking applied by WODEN - to phase track, a phase was applied to counter the delay term caused by \(w\) term of baseline - so just apply the opposite effect of the w term, i.e.

\[V^\prime = V \exp(2\pi i w)\]

where \(V\) is the phase tracked visibility and \(V^\prime\) is the visibility after removing phase tracking.

  • frequencies (float array) – Frequencies of all fine channels (Hz)

  • wws_seconds (float array) – The \(w\) coordinates (seconds)

  • num_baselines (int) – Number of baselines

  • v_container (float array) – Complex visibility data out of WODEN with phase tracking, with shape=(num_time_steps*num_baselines,1,1,num_freq_channels,4,3))


v_container – Same visibility data as before, with phase tracking returned.

Return type:

float array