Source code for add_instrumental_effects_woden

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from import fits
import numpy as np
from sys import exit
from astropy.time import Time
from wodenpy.uvfits.wodenpy_uvfits import RTS_decode_baseline
from argparse import Namespace
from astropy.constants import c as speed_of_light
from astropy.constants import k_B
import os
from typing import Tuple
import importlib_resources
import wodenpy
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

[docs] def get_parser(): """ Runs the argument parser to get command line inputs - used by sphinx and argparse extension to unpack the help below into the online readthedocs documentation. Returns ------- parser : `argparse.ArgumentParser` The populated argument parser used by `` """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Adds instrumental effects to a WODEN uvfits, given command line inputs") sing_group = parser.add_argument_group('INPUT/OUTPUT OPTIONS') sing_group.add_argument('--uvfits', default=False, help='Name of the uvfits file to add instrumental effects to e.g. filename.uvfits') sing_group.add_argument('--output_name', default="instrumental.uvfits", help='Name for output uvfits file, default: instrumental.uvfits') sing_group.add_argument('--noise_numpy_seed', default=0, type=int, help='A specific np.random.seed to use for adding noise, for reproducibility. Otherwise numpy is left to seed itself.') sing_group.add_argument('--inst_numpy_seed', default=0, type=int, help='A specific np.random.seed to use for instrumenal effects (other than noise), for reproducibility. Otherwise numpy is left to seed itself.') noise_group = parser.add_argument_group('NOISE EFFECTS') noise_group.add_argument('--add_visi_noise', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add visibility noise via the radiometer equation. ' 'Defaults to MWA-like parameters for reciever ' 'temperature and effective tile area') noise_group.add_argument('--visi_noise_int_time', default=False, type=float, help='Use a different integration time (seconds) to what is actually in the ' 'data to calculate the noise, e.g. even if you data is at 2s ' 'resolution, --visi_noise_int_time=60 will add the noise for a ' 'one minute integration.') noise_group.add_argument('--visi_noise_freq_reso', default=False, type=float, help='Use a different frequency channel width (Hz) to what is actually in the ' 'data to calculate the noise, e.g. even if you data is at 40kHz ' 'resolution, --visi_noise_freq_reso=1e+6 will add the noise for a ' 'channel width of 1MHz instead.') reflec_group = parser.add_argument_group('CABLE REFLECTION GROUP') reflec_group.add_argument('--cable_reflection_from_metafits', default=False, help='Given a metafits file with cable length information, add in ' 'cable reflections to the antenna gains. This will use the ' '--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min/cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max to set the magnitude.') reflec_group.add_argument('--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min', default=0.002, type=float, help='Amplitude of the cable will be drawn from a uniform ' 'distribution between `--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min` and ' '`--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max`. Default is 0.002. (based on FHD fits)') reflec_group.add_argument('--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max', default=0.01, type=float, help='Amplitude of the cable will be drawn from a uniform ' 'distribution between `--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min` and ' '`--cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max`. Default is 0.01. (based on FHD fits)') gain_group = parser.add_argument_group('ANTENNA (tile) GAIN EFFECTS') gain_group.add_argument('--ant_gain_amp_error', default=0, type=float, help='Add a single multiplicative gain error per antenna, of 1 +/- ' 'the value given (e.g. gains between 0.95 and 1.05 if ' '--ant_gain_amp_error=0.05.') gain_group.add_argument('--ant_gain_phase_error', default=0, type=float, help='Add a phase error (degrees) per antenna, which will make a ' 'frequency dependent phase gradient between value to value, ' 'e.g if --ant_gain_phase_error=10, a phase error of up to ' '-10 deg will be added to the lowest frequency, a phase' ' error of up to +10 deg will be added to the highest ' 'frequency, with a smooth graident over phases added for ' 'all other frequencies.') gain_group.add_argument('--ant_leak_errs', default=[0,0], type=float, nargs = '*', help='Use as `--ant_leak_errs psi_err chi_err` (degrees). Adds an engineering ' 'tolerance error for linear dipole alignment (see TMS ' 'eqn A4.5) to add leakage terms to the antenna Jones matrix. ' 'This leakage is based off two angles where `Dx = psi_err - 1j*chi_err` ' 'and `Dy = -psi_err + 1j*chi_err`. ' 'A random angle between 0 and the given value will be added for each angle. ') gain_group = parser.add_argument_group('FLAGGING') gain_group.add_argument('--add_fine_channel_flags', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add the standard fine channel flags due to bandpass shape, e.g. ' 'if data is 40kHz resolution, flag channels 0 1 16 30 31 in each coarse band.') return parser
class UVFITS(object): """ A class for reading and storing data from UVFITS files. Parameters: ----------- filename : str The path to the UVFITS file to be read. Attributes: ----------- visibilities : ndarray The complex visibilities of the UVFITS file. num_antennas : int The number of antennas in the UVFITS file. b1s : ndarray The first antenna indices of the baselines in the UVFITS file. b2s : ndarray The second antenna indices of the baselines in the UVFITS file. num_freqs : int The number of frequency channels in the UVFITS file. cent_freq : float The central frequency of the UVFITS file. cent_pix : float The central pixel of the UVFITS file. freq_res : float The frequency resolution of the UVFITS file. all_freqs : ndarray The frequencies of all the channels in the UVFITS file. num_ants : int The number of antennas (tiles) in the UVFITS file. num_visis : int The total number of visibilities (for all time steps) in the UVFITS file. num_cross : int The number of cross-correlations in the UVFITS file. num_autos : int The number of auto-correlations in the UVFITS file. has_autos : bool Whether auto-correlations are present in the UVFITS file. time_res : float The time resolution of the UVFITS file. """ class UVFITS(object): def __init__(self, filename): with as hdu: ##Leave the weights alone visibilities = hdu[0][:,0,0,:,:,:2] self.visibilities = visibilities[:,:,:,0] + 1j*visibilities[:,:,:,1] self.weights = hdu[0][:,0,0,:,:,-1] self.num_antennas = int(hdu[1].header['NAXIS2']) b1s, b2s = [], [] for blcode in hdu[0].data['BASELINE']: b1, b2 = RTS_decode_baseline(blcode) b1s.append(b1) b2s.append(b2) ##BLCODE is one indexed, python is zero indexed b1s = np.array(b1s) - 1 b2s = np.array(b2s) - 1 self.b1s = b1s self.b2s = b2s self.num_freqs = hdu[0].header['NAXIS4'] self.cent_freq = hdu[0].header['CRVAL4'] ##subtract one because this is one indexed not zero self.cent_pix = hdu[0].header['CRPIX4'] - 1 self.freq_res = hdu[0].header['CDELT4'] self.all_freqs = self.cent_freq + (np.arange(self.num_freqs) - self.cent_pix)*self.freq_res ##Look to see how many antennas (tiles) there are self.num_ants = hdu[1].data['STABXYZ'].shape[0] ##This is total number of visibilities (for all time steps) self.num_visis = hdu[0].header['GCOUNT'] ##Number of cross-correlations and auto-correlations self.num_cross = int((self.num_ants * (self.num_ants - 1)) / 2) self.num_autos = self.num_ants ##Work out if there are auto-correlations or not if self.num_visis % (self.num_cross + self.num_autos) == 0: num_visi_per_time = self.num_cross + self.num_autos self.has_autos = True else: num_visi_per_time = self.num_cross self.has_autos = False num_times = int(self.num_visis / num_visi_per_time) self.num_times = num_times time1 = Time(hdu[0].data['DATE'][num_visi_per_time], format='jd') time0 = Time(hdu[0].data['DATE'][0], format='jd') self.uus = hdu[0].data['UU'] self.time_res = time1 - time0 self.time_res = self.time_res.to_value('s') print(f"Found the following in the {filename}:") if self.has_autos: print(f"\tAutocorrelations are present") else: print(f"\tAutocorrelations are not present") print(f"\tNum visi per time step: {num_visi_per_time}") print(f"\tNum time steps: {num_times}") print(f"\tTime res: {self.time_res:.2f} s") print(f"\tFreq res: {self.freq_res:.5f} Hz")
[docs] def make_single_polarsiation_jones_gain(num_antennas, num_freqs, amp_err=0.05, phase_err=10): """ Generate a Jones gain matrix for a single polarisation, with random amplitude and phase errors. Parameters ---------- num_antennas : int Number of antennas in the array. num_freqs : int Number of frequency channels. amp_err : float, optional Maximum amplitude error (as a fraction of the true gain) to apply to each antenna. Default is 0.05. phase_err : float, optional Maximum phase error (in degrees) to apply to each antenna. Default is 10. Returns ------- jones_entry : ndarray Complex Jones gain matrix of shape (num_antennas, num_freqs), with the first row set to (1+0j). """ ##First up, make the real scalar gain error - one per antenna jones_entry = 1.0 + np.random.uniform(-amp_err, amp_err, num_antennas) ##Make things complex jones_entry = jones_entry + 1j*np.zeros(num_antennas) ##Make a frequency axis jones_entry = np.repeat(jones_entry, num_freqs) jones_entry.shape = (num_antennas, num_freqs) for ant in range(num_antennas): phase = np.random.uniform(-phase_err*(np.pi/180.0), phase_err*(np.pi/180.0)) phase_grad = np.linspace(-phase, phase, num_freqs) jones_entry[ant] = jones_entry[ant]*np.exp(1j*phase_grad) ##First gain is reference gain jones_entry[0, :] = 1.0 + 0.0j ##TODO - write these out to a `hyperdrive` style gain FITS? return jones_entry
[docs] def make_jones_leakage(num_antennas, num_freqs, leak_psi_err=0.0, leak_chi_err=0.0): """ Generate Jones leakage terms for a set of antennas and frequencies. Parameters ----------- num_antennas : int Number of antennas. num_freqs : int Number of frequencies. leak_psi_err : float, optional Small engineering error on the linear polarization alignment of the dipoles, represented by psi_err. leak_chi_err : float, optional Small engineering error on the linear polarization alignment of the dipoles, represented by chi_err. Returns -------- Dx : numpy.ndarray Jones leakage term for the x-polarization. Dy : numpy.ndarray Jones leakage term for the y-polarization. """ Dx = np.repeat(np.random.uniform(0, leak_psi_err, num_antennas), num_freqs) - 1j*np.repeat(np.random.uniform(0, leak_chi_err, num_antennas), num_freqs) Dx.shape = (num_antennas, num_freqs) Dy = -np.repeat(np.random.uniform(0, leak_psi_err, num_antennas), num_freqs) + 1j*np.repeat(np.random.uniform(0, leak_chi_err, num_antennas), num_freqs) Dy.shape = (num_antennas, num_freqs) return Dx, Dy
[docs] def make_antenna_jones_matrices(num_antennas : int, num_freqs : int, gain_amp_err=0.0, gain_phase_err=0.0, leak_psi_err=0.0, leak_chi_err=0.0): """Given input error parameters, create a set of instrumental Jones matrices for each antenna and frequency. Parameters ---------- num_antennas : int Number of antennas. num_freqs : int Number of frequencies. gain_amp_err : float, optional Maximum amplitude error (as a fraction of the true gain) to apply to each antenna, by default 0.0 gain_phase_err : float, optional Maximum phase error (in degrees) to apply to each antenna. leak_psi_err : float, optional Small engineering error on the linear polarization alignment of the dipoles, represented by psi_err, by default 0.0 leak_chi_err : float, optional Small engineering error on the linear polarization alignment of the dipoles, represented by chi_err., by default 0.0 Returns ------- antenna_jones_matrices : np.ndarray Complex antenna jones matrices for all antennas, of shape (num_antennas, num_freqs, 2, 2) """ antenna_jones_matrices = np.zeros((num_antennas, num_freqs, 2, 2), dtype=complex) gx = make_single_polarsiation_jones_gain(num_antennas, num_freqs, amp_err=gain_amp_err, phase_err=gain_phase_err) gy = make_single_polarsiation_jones_gain(num_antennas, num_freqs, amp_err=gain_amp_err, phase_err=gain_phase_err) Dx, Dy = make_jones_leakage(num_antennas, num_freqs, leak_psi_err=leak_psi_err, leak_chi_err=leak_chi_err) antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 0, 0] = gx antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 1, 1] = gy antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 0, 1] = Dx antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 1, 0] = Dy np.savez_compressed("gains_applied_woden.npz", gx=gx, Dx=Dx, Dy=Dy, gy=gy, antenna_jones_matrices=antenna_jones_matrices) return antenna_jones_matrices
[docs] def apply_antenna_jones_matrices(visibilities, antenna_jones_matrices, b1s, b2s): """ Apply the antenna Jones matrices to the visibilities for a set of antenna pairs defined by b1s, b2s Parameters ---------- visibilities : numpy.ndarray The visibilities to which the Jones matrices will be applied. The shape of the array should be (Nvis, Nfreqs, 4), where Nvis is the number of visibilities, Nfreqs is the number of frequency channels, and the last dimension contains the complex visibilities for all 4 instrumental stokes polarisations. antenna_jones_matrices : numpy.ndarray The Jones matrices for each antenna in the array. The shape of the array should be (Nants, Nfreqs, 2, 2), where Nants is the number of antennas and the last two dimensions contain the complex Jones matrix for each antenna. b1s : numpy.ndarray The indices of the first antenna in each baseline. b2s : numpy.ndarray The indices of the second antenna in each baseline. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The visibilities with the Jones matrices applied. The shape of the array is the same as the input `visibilities`. """ jones_b1s = antenna_jones_matrices[b1s] jones_b2s = antenna_jones_matrices[b2s] reshape_visi = np.empty((visibilities.shape[0], visibilities.shape[1], 2, 2), dtype=complex) reshape_visi[:, :, 0, 0] = visibilities[:, :, 0] reshape_visi[:, :, 1, 1] = visibilities[:, :, 1] reshape_visi[:, :, 0, 1] = visibilities[:, :, 2] reshape_visi[:, :, 1, 0] = visibilities[:, :, 3] reshape_visi = np.matmul(np.matmul(jones_b1s, reshape_visi), np.conjugate((jones_b2s))) visibilities[:, :, 0] = reshape_visi[:, :, 0, 0] visibilities[:, :, 1] = reshape_visi[:, :, 1, 1] visibilities[:, :, 2] = reshape_visi[:, :, 0, 1] visibilities[:, :, 3] = reshape_visi[:, :, 1, 0] return visibilities
[docs] def get_cable_delay(length, velocity_factor=0.81): """ Calculate the delay imparted by a cable of specific length and velocity factor. Parameters ---------- length : float Length of the cable in meters. velocity_factor : float Velocity factor of the cable (0.81 from Beardsley et al. 2016) Returns ------- float The delay of the cable in seconds. """ return (2*length) / (speed_of_light.value * velocity_factor)
[docs] def create_single_pol_reflections(freqs : np.ndarray, cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min : float, cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max : float, delays : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the reflections caused by a set of cables with a given delays, assigns a random reflection coefficient amplitude for the given frequency vector. Returns a 2D array of shape (len(delays), len(freqs)). Parameters ---------- freqs : np.ndarray Frequencies to calculate the reflections at (Hz) cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min : float Minimum amplitude of the cable reflection coefficient. cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max : float Maximum amplitude of the cable reflection coefficient. delays : np.ndarray Delays of the cable reflections (seconds) Returns ------- reflections : np.ndarray A 2D array of reflections of shape (len(delays), len(freqs)) for all delays and frequencies. """ reflection_coeffs = np.random.uniform(cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min, cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max, len(delays)) + 1j*np.zeros(len(delays)) phases = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, len(delays)) reflection_coeffs *= np.exp(1j*phases) ftimesd = np.outer(delays, freqs) reflections = reflection_coeffs[:, np.newaxis]*np.exp(-2j * np.pi * ftimesd) return reflections
[docs] def create_cable_reflections(args : Namespace, uvfits : UVFITS) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Given the input arguments and a UVFITS object, create the cable reflections for the x and y pols. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace object containing command line arguments. uvfits : UVFITS UVFITS object containing visibilities to which reflections will be added. Returns ------- reflections_x, reflections_y : np.ndarray, np.ndarray 2D arrays of reflections to add to the x and y pols, of shape (num_antennas, num_freqs). """ if not os.path.isfile(args.cable_reflection_from_metafits): exit('Could not open metafits specified by user as:\n' '\t--cable_reflection_from_metafits={:s}.\n' 'Cannot get required observation settings, exiting now'.format(args.cable_reflection_from_metafits)) print("TRYING THIS", args.cable_reflection_from_metafits) with as f: antenna_order = np.argsort(f[1].data['Tile']) selection = np.arange(0,len(antenna_order),2) ##this has both XX and YY pol, assume they have the same cable lengths antenna_order = antenna_order[selection] ##the length causing reflections is in the flavour column flavours = f[1].data['Flavors'][antenna_order] cable_lengths = np.array([float(flavour.split('_')[1]) for flavour in flavours]) delays = get_cable_delay(cable_lengths) reflections_x = create_single_pol_reflections(uvfits.all_freqs, args.cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min, args.cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max, delays) reflections_y = create_single_pol_reflections(uvfits.all_freqs, args.cable_reflection_coeff_amp_min, args.cable_reflection_coeff_amp_max, delays) return reflections_x, reflections_y
[docs] def add_complex_ant_gains(args : Namespace, uvfits : UVFITS): """ Add complex antenna gains to the UVFITS object. Parameters ------------ args : Namespace Namespace object containing command line arguments. uvfits : UVFITS UVFITS object containing visibilities to which antenna gains will be added. Returns --------- UVFITS: UVFITS object with antenna gains added. """ antenna_jones_matrices = make_antenna_jones_matrices(uvfits.num_antennas, uvfits.num_freqs, gain_amp_err=args.ant_gain_amp_error, gain_phase_err=args.ant_gain_phase_error, leak_psi_err=args.ant_leak_errs[0]*np.pi/180.0, leak_chi_err=args.ant_leak_errs[1]*np.pi/180.0) if args.cable_reflection_from_metafits: reflections_x, reflections_y = create_cable_reflections(args, uvfits) antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 0, 0] += reflections_x antenna_jones_matrices[:, :, 1, 1] += reflections_y uvfits.visibilities = apply_antenna_jones_matrices(uvfits.visibilities, antenna_jones_matrices, uvfits.b1s, uvfits.b2s) return uvfits
[docs] def visibility_noise_stddev(freq_vec, time_res, freq_res, Trec=50, Aeff=20.35): """ For an input set of frequencies, and time in seconds, calculate the visibility noise using the radiometer equation. default MWA values are given. See Equation 6.50 in TMS Third Edition for details of radiometer eq. Parameters ----------- freq_vec : numpy array, float Vector of fine channels in Hz. time_res : float Observation time in seconds freq_res : float Fine channel width in Hz, default is 80kHz. Trec : float Reciever temperature in Kelvin. Aeff : float Effective MWA tile area, default is 20.35 for chan 136. Chan 136 is the default middle channel for high band obs. Returns ------- sigma : numpy array, float $\sigma$ values for each given frequency """ # Boltzmans constant kb = k_B.value*1e+26 #[Jy K^-1 m^2] freq_temp_vec = freq_vec/1e+6 # [MHz] # calculate sky temperature. Tsky_vec = 230*(freq_temp_vec/150)**(-2.53) # Tsky_vec = np.ones(len(freq_vec))*230.0 # Standard deviation term for the noise: sigma = (np.sqrt(2)*kb*(Tsky_vec + Trec)) / (Aeff*np.sqrt(freq_res*time_res)) #[Jy] return sigma
[docs] def add_visi_noise(args : Namespace, uvfits : UVFITS): """ Adds instrumental thermal noise to the visibilities of a UVFITS object, given the input `args`. The noise is calculated using the radiometer equation. Everything is currently hardcoded to MWA values. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace Command-line arguments parsed by argparse. uvfits : UVFITS UVFITS object to which noise will be added. Returns ------- UVFITS The input UVFITS object with noise added to its visibilities. """ if args.visi_noise_int_time: print(f"--visi_noise_int_time was set to {args.visi_noise_int_time:.1e} " "seconds, using instead of time resolution inside uvfits") time_res = args.visi_noise_int_time else: time_res = uvfits.time_res if args.visi_noise_freq_reso: print(f"--visi_noise_freq_reso was set to {args.visi_noise_freq_reso:.3e} " "Hz, using instead of freq resolution inside uvfits") freq_res = args.visi_noise_freq_reso else: freq_res = uvfits.freq_res noise_stddev = visibility_noise_stddev(uvfits.all_freqs, time_res, freq_res) print(f'First freq std dev {noise_stddev[0]:.2e}') baseline_cross = np.where(uvfits.b1s != uvfits.b2s)[0] baseline_auto = np.where(uvfits.b1s == uvfits.b2s)[0] for freq_ind, stddev in enumerate(noise_stddev): ##Add noise to all the XX and YY cross-correlations for pol_ind in range(4): ##Add noise to the cross-correlations real_noise = np.random.normal(0, stddev, len(baseline_cross)) imag_noise = np.random.normal(0, stddev, len(baseline_cross)) uvfits.visibilities[baseline_cross, freq_ind, pol_ind] += real_noise + 1j*imag_noise ##Add noise to the auto-correlations real_noise = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(2)*stddev, len(baseline_auto)) imag_noise = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(2)*stddev, len(baseline_auto)) uvfits.visibilities[baseline_auto, freq_ind, pol_ind] += real_noise + 1j*imag_noise return uvfits
def calculate_bandpass(freq_res : float, num_bands : int = 24): bandpass = importlib_resources.files(wodenpy).joinpath("bandpass_1kHz.txt") bandpass = np.loadtxt(bandpass) cs = CubicSpline(np.arange(5e+2, 1.28e+6, 1e+3), bandpass) single_bandpass = cs(np.arange(freq_res/2, 1.28e+6, freq_res)) full_bandpass = np.tile(single_bandpass, num_bands) return single_bandpass, full_bandpass def add_bandpass(args : Namespace, uvfits : UVFITS): print(uvfits.freq_res) single_bandpass, full_bandpass = calculate_bandpass(uvfits.freq_res) return def add_fine_channel_flags(hdu, args : Namespace, uvfits : UVFITS): ##OK, always flag 80e+3 at edge and the central channels? As in, ##if we have a 40kHz resolution, we want to flag 0 1 16 30 31 in each coarse band num_edges = int(80e+3 / uvfits.freq_res) n_chan_per_coarse = int(1.28e+6 / uvfits.freq_res) cent_flag = int(n_chan_per_coarse / 2) weights = np.ones(n_chan_per_coarse) weights[:num_edges] = 0 weights[cent_flag] = 0 weights[-num_edges:] = 0 num_bands = int(uvfits.num_freqs / n_chan_per_coarse) all_weights = np.tile(weights, num_bands) hdu[0][:,0,0,:,:,2] *= all_weights[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] return hdu
[docs] def main(argv=None): """Adds instrumental effects to a WODEN uvfits, given command line inputs Parameters ---------- argv : _type_, optional Will be parsed from the command line if run in main script. Can be passed in explicitly for easy testing """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) uvfits = UVFITS(args.uvfits) if args.add_visi_noise or args.visi_noise_int_time or args.visi_noise_freq_reso: if args.noise_numpy_seed: np.random.seed(args.noise_numpy_seed) else: np.random.seed(np.random.randint(0, 1e+6)) print("Adding visibility noise... ") uvfits = add_visi_noise(args, uvfits) print("Finished adding visibility noise") if args.ant_gain_amp_error or args.ant_gain_phase_error or args.ant_leak_errs != [0,0] or args.cable_reflection_from_metafits: if args.inst_numpy_seed: np.random.seed(args.inst_numpy_seed) else: np.random.seed(np.random.randint(0, 1e+6)) print("Adding antenna gains... ") uvfits = add_complex_ant_gains(args, uvfits) print("Finished adding antenna gains.") with as hdu: ##Leave the weights alone hdu[0][:,0,0,:,:,0] = np.real(uvfits.visibilities) hdu[0][:,0,0,:,:,1] = np.imag(uvfits.visibilities) if args.add_fine_channel_flags: print("Adding fine channel flags... ") hdu = add_fine_channel_flags(hdu, args, uvfits) print("Finished adding fine channel flags.") hdu.writeto(args.output_name, overwrite=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': ##Here we goooo main()