Frequency specifications and uvfits outputs ============================================ ``WODEN`` writes visibilities into ``uvfits`` files, which are output in linear polarisations of ``XX, YY, XY, YX``, where ``X`` refers to a North-South aligned receiver and ``Y`` a East-West aligned receiver. These outputs are split up across frequency, into 'coarse bands'. Each coarse band is split into 'fine channels' like so: .. image:: frequency_wording.svg :width: 600pt When running MWA simulations using a ``metafits`` file, these frequency options are filled in automatically for the user, and can be overridden / alternatively supplied by keywords to ````. The arguments that match the diagram above are listed here. .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - ```` argument - Diagram label * - ``--coarse_band_width`` - Coarse band width * - ``--freq_res`` - Fine frequency channel width * - ``--lowest_channel_freq`` - Lowest frequency channel * - ``--band_nums=1,2,3`` - Band 01, Band 02, Band 03 As many coarse bands as needed can be run, allowing for straight-forward splitting of the simulation across multiple GPUs. We'll look at an example of that later. If you run with following arguments:: \ --freq_res=10e+3 --coarse_band_width=1e+6 \ --time_res=1.0 --num_time_steps=10 \ --lowest_channel_freq=100e+6 \ --band_nums=1,2,3 \ --output_uvfits_prepend=epic_output this will produce three uvfits files named with the following properties: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Output name - Lowest frequency channel (Hz) - Number frequency channels * - ``epic_output_band01.uvfits`` - 100e+6 - 100 * - ``epic_output_band02.uvfits`` - 101e+6 - 100 * - ``epic_output_band03.uvfits`` - 102e+6 - 100 .. note:: The command above won't work as many arguments are missing; I've left them out here to concentrate on the arguments that define the uvfits outputs. You can run with whatever band numbers you want:: \ --freq_res=10e+3 --coarse_band_width=1e+6 \ --time_res=1.0 --num_time_steps=10 \ --lowest_channel_freq=100e+6 \ --band_nums=4,7,24 \ --output_uvfits_prepend=epic_output which will create uvfits files like: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Output name - Lowest frequency channel (Hz) - Number frequency channels * - ``epic_output_band04.uvfits`` - 104e+6 - 100 * - ``epic_output_band07.uvfits`` - 107e+6 - 100 * - ``epic_output_band24.uvfits`` - 124e+6 - 100