Source code for run_woden

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Wrapper script to run the GPU WODEN code. Author: J.L.B. Line
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
from time import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
import argparse
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_float

from wodenpy.use_libwoden.woden_settings import create_woden_settings, setup_lsts_and_phase_centre, Woden_Settings_Float, Woden_Settings_Double
from wodenpy.use_libwoden.visibility_set import setup_visi_set_array, load_visibility_set, Visi_Set_Float, Visi_Set_Double
from wodenpy.wodenpy_setup.run_setup import get_parser, check_args, get_code_version
from wodenpy.use_libwoden.use_libwoden import load_in_woden_library
from wodenpy.observational.calc_obs import get_uvfits_date_and_position_constants, calc_jdcal
from wodenpy.skymodel.woden_skymodel import crop_below_horizon
from wodenpy.skymodel.read_skymodel import read_skymodel_chunks, read_radec_count_components
from wodenpy.skymodel.chunk_sky_model import create_skymodel_chunk_map
from wodenpy.array_layout.create_array_layout import calc_XYZ_diffs, enh2xyz
from wodenpy.use_libwoden.array_layout_struct import Array_Layout
from wodenpy.uvfits.wodenpy_uvfits import make_antenna_table, make_baseline_date_arrays, create_uvfits
from wodenpy.phase_rotate.remove_phase_track import remove_phase_tracking
from wodenpy.use_libwoden.shapelets import create_sbf
from typing import Union

R2D = 180.0 / np.pi
D2R = np.pi / 180.0
MWA_LAT = -26.703319405555554
MWA_LONG = 116.67081523611111
MWA_HEIGHT = 377.827
VELC = 299792458.0

sbf_N = 101
sbf_L = 10001
sbf_c = 5000
sbf_dx = 0.01

[docs] def woden_thread(the_queue : Queue, run_woden, woden_settings : Union[Woden_Settings_Float, Woden_Settings_Double], visibility_set : Union[Visi_Set_Float, Visi_Set_Double], array_layout : Array_Layout, sbf : np.ndarray): """ This function runs WODEN C/CUDA code on a separate thread, processing source catalogues from a queue until the queue is empty. Parameters ---------- the_queue : Queue A queue of source catalogues to be processed. run_woden : _NamedFuncPointer A pointer to the WODEN function to be run. woden_settings : Union[Woden_Settings_Float, Woden_Settings_Double] The WODEN settings to be used. visibility_set : Union[Visi_Set_Float, Visi_Set_Double] The visibility set to write outputs to. array_layout : Array_Layout The array layout to be used. sbf : np.ndarray The shapelet basis function array """ while True: source_catalogue = the_queue.get(block=True) if source_catalogue is None: return run_woden(woden_settings, visibility_set, source_catalogue, array_layout, sbf)
[docs] def read_skymodel_thread(the_queue : Queue, chunked_skymodel_maps: list, max_num_chunks : int, lsts : np.ndarray, latitude : float, args : argparse.Namespace, beamtype : int): """ Reads a chunked skymodel map and puts the resulting source catalogue into a queue. Parameters ============= the_queue : Queue A queue to put the resulting source catalogue into. chunked_skymodel_maps : list A list of chunked skymodel maps to read. max_num_chunks : int The maximum number of chunks to read at once. lsts : np.ndarray An array of LST values. latitude : float The latitude of the observation. args : argparse.Namespace An argparse namespace containing command line arguments. beamtype : int The type of beam to use. """ for lower_chunk_iter in range(0, len(chunked_skymodel_maps), max_num_chunks): chunk_map_subset = chunked_skymodel_maps[lower_chunk_iter:lower_chunk_iter+max_num_chunks] print(f"Reading chunks skymodel chunks {lower_chunk_iter}:{lower_chunk_iter+max_num_chunks}") t_before = time() source_catalogue = read_skymodel_chunks(args.cat_filename, chunk_map_subset, args.num_freq_channels, args.num_time_steps, beamtype, lsts, latitude, precision=args.precision) the_queue.put(source_catalogue, block=True) t_after = time() print(f"Reading chunks {lower_chunk_iter}:{lower_chunk_iter+max_num_chunks} took {(t_after - t_before)/60.0:.1f} mins") # print(f"Skymodel chunks {lower_chunk_iter}:{lower_chunk_iter+max_num_chunks} have been read in") ##finally, stick a None into the_queue, this means `c_thead` knows to ##stop the_queue.put(None)
[docs] def main(argv=None): """Runs the WODEN simulator, given command line inputs. Does fancy things like reading in the sky model and running the GPU code in parallel; the sky model lazy load allows us to simulate sky models that cannot fit into RAM. Parameters ---------- argv : _type_, optional Will be parsed from the command line if run in main script. Can be passed in explicitly for easy testing """ ##Grab the parser and parse some args parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) ##Check that the input arguments make sense args = check_args(args) ##Find out what git/release version we are using, and where the code lives gitlabel = get_code_version() lst_deg, gst0_deg, degpdy, ut1utc = get_uvfits_date_and_position_constants(latitude=args.latitude, longitude=args.longitude, height=args.array_height, int_jd, float_jd = calc_jdcal( jd_date = int_jd + float_jd ##Check the uvfits prepend to make sure we end in .uvfits output_uvfits_prepend = args.output_uvfits_prepend if output_uvfits_prepend[-7:] == '.uvfits': output_uvfits_prepend = output_uvfits_prepend[-7:] if args.dry_run: ##User only wants to check whether the arguments would have worked or not pass else: ##Depending on what precision was selected by the user, load in the ##C/CUDA library and return the `run_woden` function run_woden = load_in_woden_library(args.precision) num_baselines = int(((args.num_antennas - 1)*args.num_antennas) / 2) if args.do_autos: num_visis = args.num_time_steps*args.num_freq_channels*(num_baselines + args.num_antennas) else: num_visis = args.num_time_steps*args.num_freq_channels*num_baselines ##populates a ctype equivalent of woden_settings struct to pass ##to the C library woden_settings = create_woden_settings(args, jd_date, lst_deg) ##fill the lst and mjds fields, precessing if necessary lsts = setup_lsts_and_phase_centre(woden_settings) ##calculate the array layout array_layout = calc_XYZ_diffs(woden_settings, args) # ##read in and chunk the sky model======================================= print("Doing the initial reading/mapping of sky model into chunks") t_before = time() comp_counter = read_radec_count_components(args.cat_filename) t_after = time() print(f"Mapping took {(t_after - t_before)/60.0:.1f} mins") ##TODO - once we have RM sythensis working, we should check if there ##is any polarisation information in `read_radec_count_components` ##and set this accordingly. For now, we only do Stokes I woden_settings.do_QUV = 0 crop_by_component = True if args.sky_crop_sources: crop_by_component = False comp_counter = crop_below_horizon(woden_settings.lsts[0], woden_settings.latitude, comp_counter, crop_by_component=crop_by_component) chunked_skymodel_maps = create_skymodel_chunk_map(comp_counter, args.chunking_size, woden_settings.num_baselines, args.num_freq_channels, args.num_time_steps) ##Create the shapelet basis functions sbf = create_sbf(precision=args.precision) ##Create an array of visibility_sets, which get fed into run_woden ##and store the output visibilities visi_set_array = setup_visi_set_array(len(args.band_nums), num_visis, precision=args.precision) ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### heavy lifting area - here we setup running the sky model reading ### and running GPU code at the same time. Means we can limit the ### absolute amount of RAM used, and save time doing IO at the same ### time as compute ##TODO this needs to be calculated from actual avaible RAM max_num_chunks = 50 ##setup a queue system to run out GPU code at the same time as the ##model reading the_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) t1 = Thread(target = read_skymodel_thread, args =(the_queue, chunked_skymodel_maps, max_num_chunks, lsts, woden_settings.latitude, args, woden_settings.beamtype), daemon=True) t2 = Thread(target = woden_thread, args =(the_queue, run_woden, woden_settings, visi_set_array, array_layout, sbf), daemon=True) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() ### we've now calculated all the visibilities ###--------------------------------------------------------------------- ##I think we want to X,Y,Z to be in the current frame for writing ##out to the uvfits, so calculate again X,Y,Z = enh2xyz(args.east, args.north, args.height, args.latitude*D2R) ##X,Y,Z are stored in a 2D array in units of seconds in the uvfits file XYZ_array = np.empty((args.num_antennas,3)) XYZ_array[:,0] = X XYZ_array[:,1] = Y XYZ_array[:,2] = Z ##If we were to grab them out of the code used in the simulation, ##need to do this # expec_num = woden_settings.num_time_steps*args.num_antennas # XYZ_array[:,0] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(array_layout.ant_X, shape=(expec_num, ))[:args.num_antennas] # XYZ_array[:,1] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(array_layout.ant_Y, shape=(expec_num, ))[:args.num_antennas] # XYZ_array[:,2] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(array_layout.ant_Z, shape=(expec_num, ))[:args.num_antennas] ##Get the central frequency channels, used in the uvfits header central_freq_chan = int(np.floor(args.num_freq_channels / 2.0)) ##Useful number num_baselines = int(((args.num_antennas - 1)*args.num_antennas) / 2) ##Loop over coarse frequency band and convert visibilities output ##from woden.c into uvfits files for band_ind, band in enumerate(args.band_nums): output_uvfits_name = output_uvfits_prepend + '_band%02d.uvfits' %band band_low_freq = args.lowest_channel_freq + (band - 1)*args.coarse_band_width central_freq_chan_value = band_low_freq + central_freq_chan*args.freq_res uus,vvs,wws,v_container = load_visibility_set(visibility_set=visi_set_array[band_ind], num_baselines=num_baselines, num_freq_channels=args.num_freq_channels, num_time_steps=args.num_time_steps, precision=args.precision, do_autos=args.do_autos, num_ants=args.num_antennas) if args.remove_phase_tracking: frequencies = band_low_freq + np.arange(args.num_freq_channels)*args.freq_res v_container = remove_phase_tracking(frequencies=frequencies, wws_seconds=wws, num_time_steps=args.num_time_steps, v_container=v_container, num_baselines=num_baselines) hdu_ant = make_antenna_table(XYZ_array=XYZ_array,telescope_name=args.telescope_name, num_antennas=args.num_antennas, freq_cent=central_freq_chan_value,, gst0_deg=gst0_deg, degpdy=degpdy, ut1utc=ut1utc, longitude=args.longitude, latitude=args.latitude, array_height=args.array_height, ant_names=args.ant_names) baselines_array, date_array = make_baseline_date_arrays(args.num_antennas,, args.num_time_steps, args.time_res, do_autos=args.do_autos) create_uvfits(v_container=v_container, freq_cent=central_freq_chan_value, ra_point=args.ra0, dec_point=args.dec0, output_uvfits_name=output_uvfits_name, uu=uus, vv=vvs, ww=wws, baselines_array=baselines_array, date_array=date_array, central_freq_chan=central_freq_chan, ch_width=args.freq_res, int_jd=int_jd, hdu_ant=hdu_ant, gitlabel=gitlabel, longitude=args.longitude, latitude=args.latitude, array_height=args.array_height, telescope_name=args.telescope_name)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()